Hi, My chihuahua is 6 months and has not been socialised yet. We only got him 4 days ago and he seems to adore me (female) but has growled twice at my boyfriend. We know his first home was all female. Yesterday my boyfriends family came round to see him as we want to get him as socialised with people as we can before he gets his last jabs in 2 weeks and we can take him out. He growled at first when they came into the garden but then he stopped when we firmly said no. We left biscuits at their feet and he timidly approached them and was eventually playing and running around the garden. I’m worried that as he has missed the key stage of socialisation that once we take him out on walks, he won’t get along with other dogs. I’m also worried about how he is with my boyfriend and we live together and there will be times when it might just be them together for a weekend if I’m away with work. Will this be easy to stop or is it too far gone now that he hasn’t been socialised early enough?
I had my previous Chihuahua for about 6 years before I became involved in a relationship and she did not like most people or dogs. But she eventually became used to my future spouse and they got along fine. It takes time, patience, and training. Lucy was socialized early with lots of friends and neighbors and for the most part, she likes all people, but on the whole, she does not like most dogs. She is now 11 and will probably never change. Oh well, at this point I accept her for the lovable but sometimes grumpy girl that she is.