Why does my dog like to chase and carry sticks?

Dogs have an instinct to chase after moving objects. Our nature is to catch our meals. It’s our prey. It’s what we do. Dogs in the wild do not have nice people providing them with a delicious meal in a pretty bowl. What a pity.

We also like to chase moving objects. It why I run after leaves and flowers that are pushed along by the wind. I love carrying these objects when I catch them. Try and get them away from me and you’ll be sorry. I can’t help myself.

Chewing on sticks feels good. Perhaps if my daddy trained me better I would give up my prey without such a fuss. Or maybe not. We may never know.

2 thoughts on “Why does my dog like to chase and carry sticks?”

  1. I enjoy your website. I’m a Chihuahua mix. my grandpa was a wire haired terrier. and my daddy was a Pomeranian. I’m only 6 months old and I like to chew on almost everything I find. Mommy cried a lot yesterday because I ate something bad. it made me weak and lethargic, and I didn’t want to eat anything or drink all day. When she picked me up in the morning I was weak I couldn’t even move and I think I had a temperature. Mommy called the vet but on the way to the vet I got better. Mommy was happy. The vet says I must have ate something out of the garden. I like to chew on everything in the garden. there is aloe vera and hibiscus and morning glories and chrysanthemums and daisies. Mommy says I can’t play in the garden anymore. :'(

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